Monday, 16 November 2009

Tuesday 3 November

We are out early for a trip to the New Territories. First stop is a traditional market. Sue is in her element and buys pomelo and mangoes.

Mandarin Orange skins seem higly prized and are dried and sold as a flavouring. The actual fruit seems to be treated as a by-product as they are given away to shoppers.

We continue to the China border. We look across to Shenzen where 13 million people live and produce much of the consumer goods we buy in the west. As a contrast in the foreground are the wooden buildings of fish farms.

We visit a Tao temple. Not the most beautiful, but the most famous according to our guide. Worshippers light bundles of incense sticks and send up clouds of smoke and we all end up smelling slightly kippered.

In the afternoon we take a walk down Nathan Rd to the harbour and take the Star Ferry over to Hong Kong Island.

In the evening we venture out to eat again. Would we like Congee with Frog - or maybe assorted Pigs Organs. Mmmm  - the choices are endless.

... but Sue goes for the bean curd again. A bit like old dish rag she thinks, and hot. Very, very hot.