Sue manages to navigate successfully through Sydney using only a very basic map from a tourist information guide (there is a better one inside but she doesn’t notice that). We book in at Lane Cove, a National Parks site on the outskirts of the city and take a train to Central Station. Our first view of the harbour is when our train crosses the Harbour Bridge. We have a look at Paddy’s market and then take another train to Circular Quay to look at the Opera House.
The Opera House is an amazing building and the setting couldn’t be better. The harbour seems to have endless bays and inlets so there is a lot of waterfront with mostly low rise buildings apart from the business district. It is a very attractive city.
We find a bronze statue of a boar outside a hospital in the business district. The snout is bright where people have touched it - but this is not the only part of it's anatomy that is untarnished...
We walk back through the botanic gardens and eat at a restaurant near the station before returning to the campsite.